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Emotion Code &
Body Code - Living a Happier Life

The Emotion Code® according to Dr. Bradley Nelson identifies and removes emotional baggage that we unknowingly carry around with us and that can be the cause of physical or emotional difficulties. During my Emotion Code sessions, I use kinesiological muscle testing to determine which trapped emotions are present in the body as the cause of a particular problem. These are then removed using a specific magnet application.

In addition to the emotional baggage, there are a number of other causes of physical and psychological problems. The Body Code® therefore adds a comprehensive system of other possible imbalances in the body. These imbalances are then energetically resolved.


About Me

My name is Dr. Melanie Cueni. I love helping people and am excited about the effectiveness of the Emotion Code! The positive changes in my family and in my circle of friends have prompted me to become a certified Emotion Code practitioner.

I was born and raised in Austria, where I graduated in law. Today I live near Lausanne, Switzerland with my husband and our six children.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a happier life!


free of charge

approx. 15 minutes

by phone or video call

In the first meeting we get to know each other and I am happy to answer all your questions. If you wish, we can discuss the issues that concern you in life or that cause you trouble and formulate your goals together.

85 CHF

approx. 40 minutes

by phone, video call or email

In follow-up sessions, I identify and resolve the underlying emotions. You will receive a summary of all resolved emotions from me by email. 

Do I need more than one session?

for children

75 CHF

approx. 40 minutes

by phone, video call or email

Especially for children an Emotion Code session often brings amazing results! The child does not have to participate in the session.

How can the Emotion Code help

with children?

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