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What is the Emotion Code?

Whether we like it or not: emotional blockages determine our thoughts, actions as well as our relationships and personal success. In addition, they can also trigger pain, dysfunction and ultimately illness. With the Emotion Code you can free yourself from such negative energy and get rid of your emotional baggage for good.


What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code® was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson after more than 20 years of experience as a holistic chiropractor and can help you resolve physical ailments, soothe emotional wounds and break through self-sabotage. 



Meeting Dr. Bradley Nelson in Basel

In his work as a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Nelson found that his patients' pain was often not only physical but also emotional. He coined the phrase 'trapped emotions' to describe the negative emotional energy that can become trapped in a person's body during a difficult time.


What can trapped emotions cause?

  • Chronic health problems

  • Tendency to be sad, anxious or nervous

  • Inability to give or receive love

  • Physical dysfunction and illness


What happens during an Emotion Code session?

I will help you identify and release potentially existing trapped emotions in a 4-step process that paves the way for your body's natural self-healing abilities.


DISCOVER how trapped emotions can hold you back

DETERMINE what those emotions are and where they come from

RELEASE these potentially harmful energies

ENABLE the body to restore emotional and physical balance on its own

Emotion Code counseling is completely painless and non-invasive. It is a simple process that uses muscle testing (a form of biofeedback) to tap into the knowledge stored in your subconscious mind.

How can the Emotion Code work at a distance?

The method works just as effectively as a remote session. For this purpose, kinesiological muscle testing is used to identify the trapped emotions. The release of these emotions is done by the practitioner as a proxy for the client. For energy, distance is not an obstacle. We can work for others at a distance, because energy does not know the limits that our physical body has.  



What are typical areas of application for the Emotion Code?

  • Fears and worries

  • Strengthen self-confidence

  • Stress

  • Sleep problems and nightmares

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Allergies

  • Other physical pain or discomfort


Do I need more than one session?
Every session brings more happiness and well-being. Sometimes a single session is sufficient. Often, however, several sessions are necessary, because the body or the subconscious mind is usually not ready to let go of all the old burdens at once.


How can the Emotion Code help with children?

The Emotion Code can also be used with children. Typical areas of application are:

  • Learning problems

  • School stress

  • Strengthening self-confidence

  • Sleep problems

  • Fears, worries and nightmares


What is a Heart Wall?

One of Dr. Nelson's most significant discoveries is the "heart wall." A heart wall is a wall of trapped emotions that is built by the subconscious mind after emotional injury to protect the heart from further injury.

At the moment of its creation it is quite useful, but in the long run we pay a high price for it in the form of physical or psychological discomfort, relationship problems, numbness, emotional problems, etc. 

Uncovering and removing such heart walls is an important part of the Emotion Code.


What is the Body Code?

The Body Code builds on and includes the Emotion Code. It is based on the same principle as the Emotion Code, but goes far beyond it.

The Body Code assumes that health and well-being are a matter of balance in 6 different areas: 

  • Energies

  • Energy cycles/systems

  • Toxins

  • Pathogens (disease-causing agents)

  • Misalignments

  • Nutrition/Lifestyle

Energetic work with the Body Code can quickly and effectively improve or restore balance in these areas. This activates the self-healing powers to achieve better health and well-being.



An Emotion Code session does not replace a consultation with a doctor, but is a valuable addition to an existing medical treatment. The aim of the Emotion Code counseling is to activate self-healing powers and to create the conditions for the self-healing of the body and the psyche.

The costs for Emotion Code sessions are not covered by health insurance.



Belief Code Certification Event mit Dr. Bradley Nelson, Jean Nelson und Josh Nelson in Las Vegas, Jänner 2024

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